Sunday, April 23, 2006


The streets were filled with lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered. The who's who in theatre were out to play. Most came and made a bee line to the club hosting the after party of the cast from The Magic Fundoshi. My straight friends were slightly amused whilst my gay friends were more than happy with the pickings. I was restless. The lesbians were few and far in between and mostly butch, not to mention young-looking.

I was lLorando!

Just next door, was a queer joint but with a more relaxed ambience. A quick scan resulted with only a handful of sisters... but what’s with all the stares?

hmm, Time to get out.

A fellow gay brother (sisters, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves) was helpful enough to Walk me to my next stop. Thanks Jeff! (Darn it - should have gotten his contact!)

95 Club Street.

There was a group of 'bians lounging at the outside area with a “This is Our hangout place” authority and a "we've been infected with the clicque virus disease" sign. Regardless, stay away.

Of course, it could be because I don’t know any of them but the setting was intimidating enough to stop any nubian in her tracks.

Fortunately, Jeff sensed that and (bless his soul) said, “I have a friend there. Let me walk you in.”

The setting was very nouveau. Jeff made the introductions and left.

Oh, were you guys there and did you see this pathetic solo figure sitting at the end of the bar? Yes, that was me.

Well, all is not for naught. I found out that every first Tuesday of the month, the pub organises a speed dating event.

Ha - Like I would go.

Seriously. I wouldn't.

Ok, fine, I'll sleep on it.


Jenn said...

I've been in my fair share of gay bar/clubs....and why is it that there are always like 1 million men and like 10 girls? It's odd to me. Anyway....go to the speed could be fun...or at least funny.

EnCloset said...

Jenn - I'm relieved to note the gay bar scene is likewise in your NJ. I thought it was just a plague that follows me!

Chai - Like I said. I wouldn't. Go. Would I? Still another week to think about it tho.


Elle said...

OK, I have never heard this song before - brilliant!!

I love your profile painting too. I'm new to your blog :)