Thursday, April 27, 2006

Gay 'Scope'

Finally finished watching ROME - Yes, I am That Bored. However, with a dream of working with HBO some day, I decided it would be good to watch some of HBO's original series.

The series is really kinda draggy, unless you're watching it for production notes.

Then came to Episode 7 when Atia sends her daughter Octavia (see picture right) to Servilia (see picture left) to ask for protection.

These two characters had so much energy bouncing off each other - It was exciting just to watch them. The way they bantered off each other - they're so gay.

Then I burst out laffing. Just because I'm gay doesn't mean the whole world is!

But I swear, nowadays as I look about - almost everyone is gay to me!

Is that a curse of being gay? hmmm....

Lo and behold as my interest was held, in the next episode, these 2 characters became lovers!

My word - I was spot on!


Jenn said...

Sounds like gaydar to me!!
A couple of friends of mine who are gay always say: "Everyone is a little gay, they just don't know it yet." LOL

Deb said...

I have this weird theory that everyone is "bi"... *GASP*!!! I is a bad word in this blog, right? Well, screw labeling... I think if the 'right person' comes along for anyone---regardless of gender...who knows, right?

I haven't seen this show before, I was hooked on Queer as Folk---which I thought was ten times better than The L Word. That show was just too weird.

EnCloset said...

Jen - so we're all in the closet? lol...

Chai - Sisters, whatcha waitin for?

Deb - Everyone? A bi haven? Well, as long as it's queer friendly!

hockeyman said...

well... hmmm nope I don't think so.... and I liked the L word..I wonder if the producer wanted it... "The movies a little draggy lets get lesbians" Something for just about everyone...